What famous persons death affected you most and why? It is a common question in times of grief after a popular celebrity passes away. In a recent AskReddit post many Redditors made excellent points.
Anton Yelchin
User /u/stylophonics says this about Star Trek star Anton Yelchin’s death:
Anton Yelchin, the guy who played Chekov in the new Star Trek movies. Why? Because I liked that guy, he seemed like he had a good career ahead of him and one day he was out in his driveway and his car unexpectedly rolled down his driveway pinning him against a wall. He died. He died, standing there, at 27 years old, with the whole world ahead of him, pinned by his own car, in the middle of the day.
Details of Anton Yelchin's Death
Anton Yelchin on March 11, 1989. They died on June 19, 2016. Anton Yelchin's cause of death was listed as Blunt traumatic asphyxia.

Alan Rickman
Another major death that user /u/Llamageddon24 points out is Harry Potter actor Alan Rickman who died in 2016
Alan Rickman was probably the first celebrity death I mourned. While other deaths have shocked or saddened me, Rickman’s was just…different, somehow.
Details of Alan Rickman's Death
Alan Rickman was born in London, England, United Kingdom on February 21, 1946. He died on January 14, 2016. Alan Rickman's cause of death was listed as Pancreatic cancer.

Terry Pratchett
Sometimes its not just movie stars that that die who affect people. As user /u/DocZoidfarb points out Authors like Terry Pratchett can hold a special place in a person heart:
Terry Pratchett. He was my favorite author, now there are no new books. Reading about his descent into Alzheimer’s was heartbreaking, especially after seeing my grandfather go through a similar situation.
Details of Terry Pratchett's Death
Terry Pratchett was born in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England on April 28, 1948. He died on March 12, 2015. Terry Pratchett's cause of death was listed as Alzheimer's.

Steve Irwin
When the famous wildlife expert, Steve Irwin died it was felt world wide. To a young generation he meant a lot – just like user /u/fuckflossing points out, even young people are effected by celebrity deaths.
Steve Irwin, I was obsessed with his show growing up, always went outside and looked for whatever creatures I could find in my back yard and pretend to be him. I was 5 when he died and didn’t know how to really comprehend or deal with death and it messed with me for awhile.
Details of Steve Irwin's Death
Steve Irwin was born in Upper Ferntree Gully, Victoria, Australia on February 22, 1962. He died on September 4, 2006. Steve Irwin's cause of death was listed as Stingray injury to the heart.

John Candy
User /u/ListenToTheStooges points out that a not only recent deaths affects people, even deaths that happened decades ago can still be painful.
John Candy. To me he was one of the kindest, most genuine, funniest performers out there. It’s been more than 2 decades and I still miss seeing him in film & TV.
Details of John Candy's Death
John Candy was born in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada on October 31, 1950. He died on March 4, 1994. John Candy's cause of death was listed as Heart Attack.

Of course these are not all people Reddit users wrote about there are lots more. Users touched on the death of Freddie Mercury. Users discussed the topic of Jim Henson’s death. As well as many others like George Michael, Heath Ledger and Phillip Seymour Hoffman – plus many more.