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Nicky Hilton Rothschild
Alive. Born on October 5, 1983, currently 41 years old.
Martin Sargent
Nora Ephron
🕯️ Passed away June 26, 2012 at the age of 71
Leo Laporte
Alive. Born on November 29, 1956, currently 68 years old.
Ron Gilbert
Paul Krugman
Alive. Born on February 28, 1953, currently 71 years old.
Mike Leavitt
Alive. Born on February 11, 1951, currently 74 years old.
Justin Frankel
Alive. Born on November 17, 1960, currently 64 years old.
Dave Winer
Alive. Born on May 2, 1955, currently 69 years old.
Jeffrey Zeldman
John C. Dvorak
Alive. Born on April 5, 1952, currently 72 years old.
Susie Bright
Alive. Born on March 25, 1958, currently 66 years old.
David Byrne
Mike Doughty
Alive. Born on June 10, 1970, currently 54 years old.
Adam Duritz
Alive. Born on August 1, 1964, currently 60 years old.
Dwight Schultz
Sophie B. Hawkins
Alive. Born on November 1, 1964, currently 60 years old.
Art Alexakis
Alive. Born on April 12, 1962, currently 62 years old.
Billy Corgan
Alive. Born on March 17, 1967, currently 57 years old.
Matt Hardy
Alive. Born on September 23, 1974, currently 50 years old.
Daryl Hannah
Alive. Born on December 3, 1960, currently 64 years old.
George Takei
Alive. Born on April 20, 1937, currently 87 years old.
Diane Keaton
Alive. Born on January 5, 1946, currently 79 years old.
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