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Cal Turner Jr.
Alive. Born on January 25, 1940, currently 85 years old.
Thomas F. Frist Jr.
Alive. Born on August 12, 1938, currently 86 years old.
Richard DeVos
🕯️ Passed away September 6, 2018 at the age of 92
Linda Pritzker
Daniel K. Ludwig
🕯️ Passed away August 27, 1992 at the age of 95
Sid Bass
Alive. Born on April 9, 1942, currently 82 years old.
Ernie Boch Jr.
Alive. Born on February 15, 1958, currently 67 years old.
Walter Shorenstein
🕯️ Passed away June 24, 2010 at the age of 95
David Koch
🕯️ Passed away August 23, 2019 at the age of 79
Ted Waitt
Alive. Born on January 18, 1963, currently 62 years old.
Herbert Fisk Johnson III
Alive. Born on May 19, 1958, currently 66 years old.
George N. Gillett Jr.
Alive. Born on October 22, 1938, currently 86 years old.
Charlie Munger
🕯️ Passed away November 28, 2023 at the age of 99
Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr.
🕯️ Passed away October 1, 2017 at the age of 89
Robert L. Johnson
Alive. Born on April 8, 1946, currently 78 years old.
Franklin Otis Booth Jr.
🕯️ Passed away June 15, 2008 at the age of 84
S. Robson Walton
Alive. Born on October 28, 1944, currently 80 years old.
Donald Marron
Herbert Kohler Jr.
🕯️ Passed away September 3, 2022 at the age of 83
Mortimer Zuckerman
Alive. Born on June 4, 1937, currently 87 years old.
Warren Stephens
Alive. Born on February 18, 1957, currently 67 years old.
Younes Nazarian
🕯️ Passed away March 18, 2022 at the age of 91
William Wrigley Jr. II
Alive. Born on October 6, 1963, currently 61 years old.
Penny Pritzker
Alive. Born on May 2, 1959, currently 65 years old.
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