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Lenny Wilkens
Alive. Born on October 28, 1937, currently 87 years old.
Kevin Pritchard
Alive. Born on July 17, 1967, currently 57 years old.
Thomas Barlow (basketball)
Paul Westphal
🕯️ Passed away January 2, 2021 at the age of 70
Henry Bibby
Alive. Born on November 24, 1949, currently 75 years old.
John Thompson (basketball)
🕯️ Passed away August 30, 2020 at the age of 78
Kevin Pittsnogle
Alive. Born on July 30, 1984, currently 40 years old.
Patrick Ewing
Alive. Born on August 5, 1962, currently 62 years old.
Walter Berry (basketball)
Alive. Born on May 14, 1964, currently 60 years old.
Walt Frazier
Alive. Born on March 29, 1945, currently 79 years old.
Johnny Kerr
🕯️ Passed away February 26, 2009 at the age of 76
Josh Howard
Alive. Born on April 28, 1980, currently 44 years old.
Jerome Kersey
🕯️ Passed away February 18, 2015 at the age of 7
Kurt Rambis
Alive. Born on February 25, 1958, currently 66 years old.
Curtis Pride
Alive. Born on December 17, 1968, currently 56 years old.
Jay Wright (basketball)
Alive. Born on December 24, 1961, currently 62 years old.
Scooter Barry
Alive. Born on August 13, 1966, currently 58 years old.
Joe Dumars
Alive. Born on May 24, 1963, currently 61 years old.
Eric Piatkowski
Alive. Born on September 30, 1970, currently 54 years old.
Chet Walker
Alive. Born on February 22, 1940, currently 84 years old.
Weeb Ewbank
🕯️ Passed away November 17, 1998 at the age of 91
Pete Newell
🕯️ Passed away November 17, 2008 at the age of 93
Chris Chambers
Alive. Born on August 12, 1978, currently 46 years old.
Matt Bullard
Alive. Born on June 5, 1967, currently 57 years old.
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