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Phillip Alford
Alive. Born on September 11, 1948, currently 76 years old.
Michael-James Olsen
Alive. Born on November 30, 1993, currently 31 years old.
Jonathan Gilbert
Alive. Born on April 28, 1967, currently 57 years old.
Thomas Curtis (actor)
Alive. Born on April 20, 1991, currently 33 years old.
John Cassisi
Alive. Born on September 5, 1962, currently 62 years old.
Mike Lookinland
Alive. Born on December 19, 1960, currently 64 years old.
Christopher Pettiet
🕯️ Passed away April 12, 2000 at the age of 24
Tommy Bond
🕯️ Passed away September 24, 2005 at the age of 79
Rahsaan Patterson
Alive. Born on January 11, 1974, currently 51 years old.
Christopher Castile
Alive. Born on June 15, 1980, currently 44 years old.
Ryan Ochoa
Alive. Born on May 17, 1996, currently 28 years old.
David Del Rio
Alive. Born on September 29, 1987, currently 37 years old.
Robert Blake (actor)
🕯️ Passed away March 9, 2023 at the age of 89
Brian Bonsall
Alive. Born on December 3, 1981, currently 43 years old.
Gary Gray
🕯️ Passed away April 4, 2006 at the age of 69
Gaelan Connell
Alive. Born on May 19, 1989, currently 35 years old.
Johnny Crawford
🕯️ Passed away April 29, 2021 at the age of 75
Brad Kane
Alive. Born on September 29, 1973, currently 51 years old.
Meeno Peluce
Alive. Born on February 26, 1970, currently 54 years old.
Peter Ostrum
Alive. Born on November 1, 1957, currently 67 years old.
Ryan O’Donohue
Alive. Born on April 26, 1984, currently 40 years old.
Jerry O’Connell
Alive. Born on February 17, 1974, currently 50 years old.
Dana Ashbrook
Alive. Born on May 24, 1967, currently 57 years old.
Claude Jarman Jr.
Alive. Born on September 27, 1934, currently 90 years old.
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