Fahim Fazli
As of our last update, Fahim Fazli, who plays Masood in Kill Boksoon, is currently alive. They were born on May 30, 1966, making them 58 years old.
Kill Boksoon (Korean: 길복순) is a 2023 South Korean crime action film directed and written by Byun Sung-hyun, starring Jeon Do-yeon, Sol Kyung-gu, Kim Si-a, Esom, and Koo Kyo-hwan. It premiered on Netflix on March 31, 2023.
The following talented individuals, are still alive from the movie Kill Boksoon, continue to captivate us with their presence and contributions.
We are in the process of building our database of people who are have died that star in the movie Kill Boksoon. Please check back later.