Is Siena Agudong dead?
No, Siena Agudong is alive and well as of May 26, 2023. Siena Agudong was born on August 19, 2004 in Kauai, Hawaii, U.S. and is 20 years old. Stay up-to-date with the latest news and information about Siena Agudong's life and career on our website. Bookmark this page and check back regularly for the most recent updates on Siena Agudong's life and health.
Key Takeaways of Siena Agudong's Life
- Siena Agudong is still alive as of December 2024.
- As of December 2024 Siena Agudong is 20 years old.
- Born on August 19, 2004, Siena Agudong will turn 21 soon.
Quick Facts about Siena Agudong
- Birth Name: Siena Nicole Agudong
- Birth Date: August 19, 2004
- Zodiac Sign: Leo
- Birth Place: Kauai, Hawaii, U.S.
- Age: 20 years old
Frequently Asked Questions about Siena Agudong's life
Is Siena Agudong dead?
No, Siena Agudong is alive and well as of May 26, 2023. Siena Agudong was born on August 19, 2004 in Kauai, Hawaii, U.S. and is 20 years old. Stay up-to-date with the latest news and information about Siena Agudong's life and career on our website. Bookmark this page and check back regularly for the most recent updates on Siena Agudong's life and health.
How old is Siena Agudong?
As of December 14, 2024 Siena Agudong is 20 years old.
Is the actor who plays Young Mia in F9: The Fast Saga currently alive?
As of our last update, Siena Agudong, who plays Young Mia in F9: The Fast Saga, is currently alive. They were born on August 19, 2004, making them 20 years old.
Is the actor who plays Young Mia in F9: The Fast Saga currently alive?
As of our last update, Siena Agudong, who plays Young Mia in F9: The Fast Saga, is currently alive. They were born on August 19, 2004, making them 20 years old.