Is Paddy Pimblett dead?
No, Paddy Pimblett is alive and well as of July 28, 2024. Paddy Pimblett, best known for their work as a athlete, was born on January 3, 1995 in Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom and is 29 years old. Stay up-to-date with the latest news and information about Paddy Pimblett's life and career on our website. Bookmark this page and check back regularly for the most recent updates on Paddy Pimblett's life and health.
Key Takeaways of Paddy Pimblett's Life
- Paddy Pimblett is still alive as of December 2024.
- As of December 2024 Paddy Pimblett is 29 years old.
- Born on January 3, 1995, Paddy Pimblett will turn 30 soon.
Quick Facts about Paddy Pimblett
- Occupation: Athlete
- Birth Date: January 3, 1995
- Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
- Birth Place: Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom
- Age: 29 years old
Frequently Asked Questions about Paddy Pimblett's life
Is Paddy Pimblett dead?
No, Paddy Pimblett is alive and well as of July 28, 2024. Paddy Pimblett, best known for their work as a athlete, was born on January 3, 1995 in Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom and is 29 years old. Stay up-to-date with the latest news and information about Paddy Pimblett's life and career on our website. Bookmark this page and check back regularly for the most recent updates on Paddy Pimblett's life and health.
How old is Paddy Pimblett?
As of December 22, 2024 Paddy Pimblett is 29 years old.